Take Your Time: A Garden Falls, TN Romance Read online

Page 10

  "What about Talia's older brother? What was his name?"

  "Zane." My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. I did not want her flirting with Zane. Not even a little bit. Especially not now that I knew how Zane felt about me. I jerked my eyes over to the jewelry box where I'd stashed his note. My mom hadn't read it too, had she?

  "Yes, when I left Garden Falls, he was shaping into a fine-looking man. He's not married, is he?"

  I closed my eyes and fought to keep my tone level when I answered. "No, he isn't married. But no, that does not mean he's available. One: You are old enough to be his mother. Despite the pound of makeup, tight-fitting clothes, and your desperate wishes otherwise. Two: He's my best friend's brother. Don't you think it would be a bit awkward for me if you started hitting on him?"

  "You are determined not to let me have a bit of fun, aren't you?" My mom fussed, her dark-lined lips pursing out into a pout any toddler would have been proud of.

  "Mom..." I warned. My mother was, and always had been, a whore. Growing up had been like a Lifetime movie each year where my mom fell in and out of love. The good ones ignored me. The bad ones left bruises. Not a one of them truly cared for me. Or my mother, really. They wanted Margot for what she had to offer, and when they'd had their fill, they realized the drama wasn't worth the bit of ass she gave, and they were gone. Usually without notice and without a backward glance.

  "Okay, okay. No flirting. Not even with the single guy. Jeez Louise. You need to get laid."

  We rode in silence out of town until we crossed the bridge over the lake. My mom had to go and ruin the peaceful ride. "You know, maybe I can't flirt with Zane, but you should. I remember back when you were in high school thinking the two of you would be a lovely couple."

  I pulled the car to a stop in front of the Richmonds' house. "Please, Mom, keep that thought to yourself. Please, if I mean anything to you."

  With a cluck of her tongue and a shake of her head, Mom shrugged. "Whatever."

  A mixture of dread, excitement, and nervousness rolled in my stomach. Today—this lunch—was probably a bad idea. Maybe I should have canceled and just had a small lunch with my mom. But I was too far in to back out now.

  I knocked tentatively on the door. A poke to the middle of my back preceded a harshly whispered, "You should've knocked harder. Do I need to show you how to do everything?"

  Raising a hand to knock again, I inhaled sharply when the door swung open. Zane stood there with a smile on his face. That one sexy little dimple was still visible, despite the beard. Why did facial hair suddenly become so appealing?

  "Hey, I was wondering when you'd make your appearance." He stepped back and waved us inside. "How you doing, Ms. Margot?"

  "I'm just fine, Zane. You sure have grown up nicely." The older woman licked her lips and pulled her shoulders back to emphasize her chest.

  "Uh... Thanks. Mom's in the kitchen. Everyone else has been banished to the den." He nodded toward the coat rack. "Ms. Margot, can I take your coat?"

  I winced when my mom leaned against Zane as he tried to help her out of her coat. Heat rose in my cheeks when he looked over at me in bewilderment. I mouthed, "I'm sorry."

  "Go on through, Mom. I'll be right there." I pointed my mom toward the den, hoping she wouldn't cause a scene before I could get in there to diffuse it.

  "I'll just detour through the kitchen and get a wine glass." My mom wagged the bottle of wine she'd brought. "Time to get this party started!"

  I sighed. Slipping my own jacket from my arms, I moved to hang it when Zane's hand closed over mine.

  "I got it."

  "Thanks." I looked up at him, heart racing when he stepped close.

  "Anything for you." He brushed my hair back gently. "Even dealing with your mom."

  "Oh God, don't remind me. She's on a roll today, believe me." I shook my head. "I'm sorry. She has it in her head that since you aren't married, you might be interested in her. It might get worse once the wine has loosened her tongue. She really can't hold her liquor."

  He smiled down at me. "Only one blonde I'm available for."


  He stepped back, hands up in surrender. "Come on. They'll be wondering where we are."



  I nudged Claire toward the den where everyone gathered. Luck was on my side for the moment. There were two seats left, and they just so happened to be next to each other. She looked around and sighed before she sank down on the loveseat.

  I sat down next to Claire. And though I was careful not to touch her, I stretched an arm out along the back of the cushions.

  When she glanced over at me, I winked. Those smooth, beautiful cheeks turned several shades of pink emphasized by the dark color of her sweater. My fist tightened with the effort of not reaching for her.

  The conversation around us carried on without our participation. I leaned closer and murmured, "I love how bright your cheeks get when you are embarrassed."

  My words had the desired effect. Her cheeks pinked up again and she giggled.

  "Hush." She nudged me. Her movements shifted her ever so slightly closer to me.

  From that close, and that angle, I could see her pulse throb in her throat. When I twirled a lock of her hair around my finger, I saw it speed up. I wanted to feel her heartbeat beneath my lips again. Taste her sweet skin.

  "You never said stop." And I hoped she never would.

  "I know," she whispered.

  "That mean you don't want me to stop?" I stopped the little motion with her hair until she met my gaze.

  "I'm not sure." She blinked rapidly before looking away.

  "What about your mystery man?" I probed lightly, wondering if that's what caused her confusion. "He still clinging around?"

  Her eyes widened at my word choice. Yeah, I said clinging. Considering it a bit of a test, I tried to gauge if my language usage would out me.

  "Yes. He and I are still corresponding." She pulled one of the throw pillows into her lap to fidget with.

  "Corresponding, huh?" Well, that was one way to look at it. She still hadn't connected the dots between me and Z though. Lifting one eyebrow, I asked, voice strained as I tried not to laugh. "So, you want me to hang around as a backup in case old dude doesn't work out?"

  Just as I'd thought, Claire got all flustered. "No, I mean, that's not... Zane... I wouldn't."

  "Shh." I moved my arm down and took her hand in mine. I rubbed my thumb in a circle on her palm. "I'm just messing with you. You do what you gotta do. I'm not going anywhere."

  She pulled her hand from mine and rubbed it up and down the leg of her jeans like my touch burned her. Hell, maybe it had. My hand was tingling from the simple touch.

  "Lunch is ready!" Mom called from the kitchen.

  "Saved by the yell." I elbowed her gently.

  "Haha, you are so punny." She elbowed me back.

  I laughed. "I see what you did there."

  Talia came over and wrapped her arms around Claire. "I'm so glad you could come today. And glad to see you two seem to have settled your differences?" She looked up at me in question.

  "What?" I shrugged. "I pay attention. I know when to apologize. I just look stupid. But I do have a brain."

  Talia released Claire and moved toward the dining room. "You do know how to apologize. I'll give you that."

  "And how to pick out flowers..." Claire murmured.

  "What was that?" Talia asked, having been just far enough away to miss Claire's soft words.

  "I said, yes, he does."

  I put my hand on the small of Claire's back as we entered the dining room. "I'm glad you liked the flowers," I whispered in her ear.

  Karly's eyebrows shot up into her hairline when I pulled out a chair for Claire next to Margot, and took the seat next to her. I shook my head at my overly vocal sister. And she tapped her watch. Later. I nodded my assent. I’d explain everything to her later.

  Sitting next to Claire made it easy to keep contact. I l
et my leg lean against hers. A spark of hope kindled in my soul when she didn't pull away. While neither of us spoke much, the simple touch of our jean-clad thighs said a lot. She was starting to soften up to me.

  The more Margot drank, the more she seemed particularly interested in Sean, who was oblivious, of course. I wasn't sure Sean had even seen another woman since the night Talia walked into his club. My pregnant sister, however, was very aware of just how much interest her best friend's mother was showing her husband. Talia watched, daggers in her eyes, each and every time Margot's hand fluttered down to rest on Sean's tattooed forearm.

  Margot rubbed her hand up Sean's arm and leaned her chest against his arm. "So, I hear you own a dance club. I do so love to dance. I'll have to pop in the next time I'm in Garden Falls and check you, I mean, your club, out."

  All those hormones from pregnancy had made my sister crazy jealous and I could see the danger brewing in the narrowing of my sister's gaze, the tightness of her grip on her fork. The air fairly vibrated with the anger emanating from Talia.

  I put an arm around Claire and whispered, "If your mom touches Sean's arm again, Talia may stab her with a fork. Maybe you could warn her to back off?"



  After Zane's warning, I had looked up to see the murder in my best friend's eyes. I hissed a warning to my mother to stop, nudging her under the table and could only pray she would listen. Margot tended to have a one-track mind when it came to her sexual conquests.

  Thankfully, lunch was over before Talia reached her breaking point and everyone moved back to the den. Talia steered Sean to a seat where my mother wouldn't be able to touch him. Talia's new-found jealousy had been a bit of a surprise. But then again, so had her choice of husband. The tattooed bartender had been an unexpected romantic interest, for sure. And despite initial reservations, I totally got my friend's choice now. Sean really was the perfect guy for Talia. I could only assume that pregnancy had influenced that insane jealous streak.

  I wondered if I'd be jealous of my baby's dad in the future. If I ever got married or had kids.

  Zane resumed his seat on the loveseat, and I sat next to him before my mother decided to make a move on him too. I'd had enough of her flirting here today.

  "Afraid your mom might hit on me?" he whispered as I sat down.


  A loud chuckle escaped him and I smacked his chest. "Stop."

  His face sobered quickly. "Okay."

  "Not... I just meant, stop laughing at me." And after the words were out, it dawned on me that I'd just encouraged him to flirt with me. The burn of another blush rose in my cheeks. Not for the first time, I cursed my fair complexion.


  Before either of us could say another word, Karly came over and shoved me into Zane. "Scoot, y'all. I gotta vacate my spot for Mom. She's not going to leave Dad's side after your mom's had that whole bottle of wine. Sorry, Claire. Besides, I wanna know what the dealio is with the pair of you, anyhow."

  "We're not, I mean, it's not—"

  "What Claire's trying unsuccessfully to say is that we are not a pair. She's got a secret admirer who is currently sweeping her off her feet and she doesn't have time for a jackoff like me in her life."

  I spun and found myself chest to chest with him on the small couch. "That's not... I don't think you are a jackoff."


  "Yeah," I whispered. My hands rested on his chest to keep me from falling against him.

  When Karly shoved me from behind, I lost that precarious balance and ended up collapsed against him. His beard scuffed against my face and I came to rest with my face against his throat. The spicy undertones of his cologne prickled at my conscious. I'd smelled that delicious scent before, but where... I looked up at him, searching his gaze for answers. But Karly interrupted my thoughts.

  "Secret admirers are probably just chicken shits who don't have the balls to tell someone how they feel." Karly gave her opinion, without seeming to notice what position she'd put us in.

  I pushed myself back, murmuring, "I'm sorry."

  "Don't be. I got to hold you, however briefly. I'm good." He smiled down at me and my heart fluttered. His arms were around my waist, loosely. "In fact, I'm good if you want to stay."

  I shook my head at him. "I can't..."

  "I know. But the offer stands."

  "You two look cute together." Karly kept at it.

  I turned myself back to tell the younger woman off when Zane's hand slid across my stomach. I inhaled at the intimate contact.

  "And you can deny it all you want, but you two have chemistry. Sparks. Passion. Hubba hubba. Bow chicka wow wow."

  "Karly. That's enough." Zane snapped at his sister, "Drop it."

  "Bro, you need to get laid. Or take a chill pill. Damn, the tease master can't handle it when shit's turned on him, can he?" Karly stuck her tongue out at him before she hopped up and went to bother someone else.

  I shifted, but Zane's arm stopped me.

  "Do you have to move?" his voice was low and rough in my ear.

  "I should." I moved my hand over his, where his still rested on my belly. The calloused roughness reminded me of Z and I jerked away. "I can't do this. I'm sorry, Zane."

  I moved to the far edge of the loveseat and tried to ignore the hurt that flashed in his eyes. After a few more minutes, I pried my mom away from the group so we could make our exit.

  Zane got up to walk us out. When he opened the car door for me, his hand at the small of my back, my mom cackled and squealed.

  "I knew it. I knew you had a thing for him and that's why you got so overprotective of him earlier. You need to forget that stupid pansy emailing you and snap this one up before someone else does, honey."

  I closed my eyes, the prick of tears burning behind my lashes. "Mom..."

  "Shh. Don't worry about her." Zane cupped my shoulder with one hand. "I know I don't. Have a good night, and if you get bored tonight, you have my number. Call, text, whatever. I'll just be sitting around."

  I nodded and got in the car. For once, I was glad to be working a holiday. It got me away from my crazy mother.



  After Claire and her mom left, I opened my email and saw Claire's apology note about her mother. I smiled, and tapped reply.

  To: Claire

  Subject: Your mom and a clue

  Yeah, she's kinda psycho. LOL Don't worry about it. What I want to know is, how'd she behave today??

  Also... Clue 2: On the nona hora, the midi of the day, we will meet.

  Karly came and flopped next to me. "It's later, jackoff."

  I rolled my eyes at her. "Don't let Mom hear you say that."

  "So... what's up with you and Claire?"

  Puffing out a slow breath, I stared at my baby sister, and wondered how much I should tell her. "You want the Cliff Notes version or all the gory details?"

  "Hit the highlights and I'll ask if I need more." She laughed. "I don't want to hear about you banging her. Or anyone, for that matter."

  "Well, it started on Halloween. Costume party at Garden. Way, way too much alcohol."

  "And you hooked up. Right?" She had this sly, knowing grin on her face that made me shake my head.

  "You are far too eager to find this out. Perv." I rubbed the back of my neck. "But yeah, we did. And I woke up in her bed wearing nothing but a Zorro mask. So, I kinda bounced. But I left her a note, and then another note. And—"

  "Oh! My! God! You are her secret admirer? No fucking way!" Karly laughed and I nudged her with my knee. She slid to the floor and lay on the carpet clutching her sides. "Zane, that is just too good."

  "Yeah. So, you can imagine how much I loved being called a chicken shit." I kicked the bottom of her foot.

  "Sorry about that. When did you move from just having the hots for her to actually pursuing her?" Karly hopped back up. Joke time was over for the moment and she had questions now. I could see it in her eyes.

  "I planned to flirt a little on Halloween. Have a few dances, maybe steal a kiss. I didn't plan for us to get drunk and things to go so far. The secret admirer stuff was all I could think of to keep her from flipping out when she realized that we'd slept together. I thought maybe if I softened her up a bit, she'd give me a chance."

  "I heard she softened your face at Garden the other night." And the jokester returned.

  "Aren't you supposed to be helping Mom clean up?"

  "Shh... She'll hear you," she mock whispered. But she got up and went into the kitchen.

  Dad raised an eyebrow from across the room. When I shook my head, he went back to his football game.

  To: Z

  Subject: Re: Your mom and a clue

  Noon? We are meeting at noon on Sunday, right?

  And my mom. Let's just say OMFG! She was flirty with both Zane AND Sean. Like Talia was about to lose her mind on her. Ugh.

  Work sucks. I only have 2 patients tonight, so yay for that at least.

  To: Claire

  Subject: Re: Re: Your mom and a clue

  Yes, noon. Yes, Sunday. You didn't want to stab her over flirting with Zane, did you?

  "You've been watching that phone more than you've paid attention to football." Mom sat on the arm of the loveseat, patting my leg. "Who is she?"


  "Our Claire?" A tiny little smirk on my mom's face clued me in that she was not as surprised as she let on.


  "And you are keeping your identity a secret for some reason?" she prompted.

  One of my sisters had clearly blabbed. "For now."

  "Be careful, baby. I like Claire, but I don't want to see you get hurt. Either of you..."

  My phone dinged, notifying me of another email.

  "Go ahead, you know you want to." She leaned over and kissed me on the top of the head. "For what it's worth, you two are cute together."