Take Your Time: A Garden Falls, TN Romance Read online

Page 17


  I snatched my shirt up from the floor and put it back on. "Who were you imagining me to be?"


  "Just... never mind." I stopped in the doorway and looked back at her all sexy and naked on the bed. God, I was a moron. "Come lock the door behind me. I'll see you at Talia's on Christmas Eve."

  "Zane, wait—"

  I spun around. "Now you know my name? Now you want me. Claire, make up your damn mind."

  "I could tell you the same thing. What kinda man pushes away the woman he loves when she's trying to make love to him?"

  "You don't want me."

  "You don't know that." She took her shirt off.

  I tried real hard not to look at those perky breasts. "Get dressed."

  "No." She slid those sweatpants down her hips. "Get undressed."

  By then, I gave up on not looking at Claire's now naked body. The light from the lamp next to the bed highlighted the curve of her waist and the length of her legs. Legs that were just wrapped around my waist. I'd let my insecurities about her feelings ruin that. But I'd had my reasons.

  She stepped up to me and ran her hands over my chest. "I know what I want, Zane."

  "And what's that?"

  "You in my bed." Sliding her hands beneath my t-shirt, she rubbed teasing circles over my bare chest. Her breath tickled my ear as she leaned in and whispered, "In my life."


  "Zane, are you really going to reject me now?" She rubbed her hand over my hard cock. "I can tell you want me."

  Yanking my shirt off for the second time, I pulled her hard to my bare chest. "You better scream my name, not some faceless secret fantasy man's."

  "Make me."



  The little dare rolled off my tongue and I saw the spark of desire in Zane's eyes.

  "Oh, angel, I plan to." He ran his rough hands down my spine and cupped my ass. Hoisting me up again, he pinned me to the wall. "You know I won't back down from a dare."

  His grip was everything a man's touch should be—strong, steady, and sure. Dark hair brushed my cheek as he dipped his head to nibble at my throat. I tilted my head to allow him better access.

  "Take off your pants."

  "I'll take them off when I'm good and ready, woman." His teeth were sharp as he nipped my shoulder. "Some time after your third or fourth orgasm."

  "Third or—"

  "Fourth. I didn't stutter." There was a slightly dangerous glint in his eyes that sent all the blood in my body to the apex of my thighs.

  I licked my lips and nodded. "Got it."

  His lips twisted up in the merest hint of a smile. And that little smirk did more to heat me than I'd ever imagined a smile could. "Good. I'd hate to have to repeat myself."

  "No? How can I... if you don't... I mean." I struggled to get the words out.

  "How can you come multiple times if I don't repeat myself? Fingers, lips, both, then maybe I'll let you have some cock. But not until you are desperate."

  "Nearly there now," I whimpered. Shifting my hips, I ground myself against the hard bulge in his jeans.

  "You ain't seen nothing yet, love." Zane moved until his lips were tantalizingly close to mine, stopping just millimeters short of touching. He held there, his thumbs rubbing tiny circles over my hip bones, his hooded gaze locked with mine.

  I closed the gap, rocking my hips against his over and over. His tongue plunged into my mouth and twined around my own. The friction of my movements built until I broke the kiss gasping his name as an orgasm washed over me.

  Zane chuckled deep and low. "I've hardly touched you. That was all you, angel."

  My cheeks warmed and I tried to hide my face from his view.

  He wouldn't let me. "Don't hide from me. I love seeing you in the throes of passion. Seeing you seek your orgasm. God, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

  The next kiss was slow, sensual. Full of emotion, but without the heated urgency that had propelled us into the wall to start with. He eased back and lowered my feet to the floor.

  "Why are you stopping?" I whimpered, wiggling closer. "Please."

  "Not stopping, just a slight pause while we change locations. This wall is not... conducive to what I have in mind for this evening." Grabbing both my hands, he slowly backed toward my bed. "But that queen-sized bed can be put to good use tonight."


  He backed up to the bed and flopped down on it. "C'mere."

  Crawling up over him, I cupped his bearded cheeks in my hands. "Always."

  "Are you gonna kiss me or not?" Rubbing his hands up my bare sides, he stared up at me, eyebrows raised.

  "I think you still owe me some orgasms." I leaned closer and kissed him, our most tender kiss of the night. "I'm a few short of your promised three or four."

  Zane rolled us so that he was on top. "You'll learn I always keep my promises." Kissing his way down my throat, his lips skimmed over my warmed skin. Sparks flew through me when he closed his lips over my nipple.

  I sucked in a sharp breath. "Zane," I gasped.

  His tongue twirled around my hardened flesh. With every circle of his tongue, I panted. He brushed the rough pad of his thumb over my other nipple and I damn near came off the mattress. Trailing kisses across my chest, Zane switched his attention to that one. His thumb brushed the wet nipple and I nearly screamed in pleasure. He focused his assault on my sensitive buds before sliding a hand down my flat belly to flick over my clit.

  A few confident flicks of his thumb and I shouted his name.

  He covered my lips with his own. I could feel him laughing behind the kiss.

  "What's so funny?" I murmured after breaking the kiss.

  "And that's two." He raised up on his elbows over me. "Your screaming probably got all the neighbors' attention."

  I shoved at his shoulders. "I couldn't help it."


  "Zane?" I ran a finger around the lobe of his ear.


  "Take off your pants."

  "Nope. But thanks for the suggestion." Moving down my body, Zane settled himself between my thighs. "I promised you at least three before my pants came off. And I do believe I mentioned lips."

  "Oh God."

  "Nope. Just Zane." One stroke of his tongue had me squirming. He pinned my hips to the mattress with one well-muscled arm and licked my clit again. The roughness of his beard prickled my inner thighs as he moved.

  My head pressed back into the mattress. I clutched at his hair and moaned. That tongue was fucking magical. Tension tightened my muscles as he teased me toward another peak. Stars filled my eyes when his mouth closed over my clit.

  "Fuck, Zane," I cried out.

  He kissed my belly gently and smiled. "Still want me to take off my pants?"

  "Mmm... I can't feel my legs." I rubbed his cheek. "Why didn't we do this sooner?"

  "Good question." He stood up and shoved his jeans off. When his cock sprang free, I licked my lips. Oh boy.

  "Now I know why I was so sore after Halloween." I sat up and ran a finger down his impressive length. "Damn."

  He grinned. "Like what you see, huh?"

  Nodding, I wrapped a hand around him. "Like what I feel too." I leaned forward and swiped my tongue over his tip. "And taste."

  "Oh yes." He laid a hand on my head and urged me to take him into my mouth. "Like what I tasted too." After a moment, he pulled back. "Enough of that. I want more than a blow job."

  I sprawled back on the bed, arms and legs open to his gaze. "Then come get it."

  He grabbed a condom from his wallet and joined me. Zane grabbed both my hands and pinned them above my head with one of his. I let out a breathy moan when he slid into me.

  The headboard slammed into the wall over and over as he thrust into me. The room filled with his deep grunts and my moans of pleasure. His thumbs caressed my nipples until I quivered with need.

  "Zane," I begged, turning his name into a desp
erate plea for release.

  Ecstasy coursed through my body and I clawed at his back. Incoherent, guttural whimpers escaped me. Zane's thrusts grew harder until he cried out my name and collapsed against me.

  "Wow," I murmured when my breathing had slowed enough I could speak.

  "Oh yeah." Zane kissed my shoulder. He rolled over and flung an arm over his eyes. "You made me forget I was supposed to be mad at you."

  "Good." I watched his chest rise and fall rapidly, a sheen of sweat glinting off his muscles. "About that... I'm sorry."

  "Yeah, me too."

  "No. I said some mean things, I shouldn't have—"

  "We both said some mean things." Zane looked at me, the most serious look I'd ever seen on his face. "I love you. I still want you, despite what I might have said. Let's try this again. How'd you like to go on an actual date with me?"

  "Isn't the dating supposed to come before the sex?" I nudged him.

  "Yeah, well, the dating is supposed to come before the love too. But I still love you."

  "I love you too," I whispered.

  His arms tightened around me. "You screamed that a few minutes ago."

  "I didn't..."

  "Oh yeah, you did. Pretty sure they heard you down at Garden. Hell, my parents probably heard it at the lake."

  I buried my face in his shoulder. "I'm sorry."

  "I'm not."



  Light streamed in through the big windows next to the bed. I covered my eyes and groaned. I shifted, trying to get the brightest beam off my face. Claire murmured something and cuddled into my side. Yeah. This was definitely better than the last time I'd been in her bed.

  My fucking alarm went off before I could doze back off. I shut off the blaring and looked down at the woman next to me. Her hair tangled around her face and her mouth hung open slightly. Still, she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

  Brushing her hair back, I kissed her bare shoulder. She turned toward me, a hint of a sleepy smile. "Too early."

  "Sorry, angel. I have to go. Work..."

  "Mmm 'kay. Lock the door?" She rolled the blanket around her and went back to sleep. I scrounged up my clothes and headed home to shower and change before work. I barely had time to grab a pack of pop-tarts to eat on my way.

  I pulled into the office with only seconds to spare. But I'd made it. Whistling a happy tune, I clocked in at six a.m. on the dot.

  "Cutting it close today, aren't you, son?" Dad grumbled from the doorway of his office.

  "Made it though." I grinned over at the old man. "Isn't that what matters?"

  "Suppose so. Johnny here yet?"

  "Haven't seen him." I looked around. Walking over to the window, I peered outside. "Don't see his truck yet."

  "Hang around until he gets here. Need to talk to you both."

  "Yes, sir. I'll send Terry and the guys on out. Let me get them going." I headed out to the back lot where the crew stood around awaiting their morning assignments. "Terry, you guys head on up to the job on 5th. I'll be out there shortly. Got a meeting with Dad and Johnny."

  I helped them load up the truck with tools and supplies before heading back inside to see what this damn meeting was about. Dad and Johnny didn't normally call meetings during the work day unless something had gone way wrong. I wracked my brain for anything my crew had screwed up, but was coming up blank.

  Johnny was already inside when I got back in the office sitting across from my father. I tapped on the door frame. "You ready for me?"

  "Yeah, get in here." Johnny waved me in.

  I stepped inside and moved to sit down. "What's up?"

  "Shut the door," my dad grumbled.

  Oh fuck. This didn't sound good. I shut the door before taking the chair next to Johnny. The older men stared at me like I was a five-year-old busted in a lie. It was all I could do to keep from squirming.

  "Is something wrong?" I finally blurted out.

  "You could say that." Dad steepled his hands over his big, scribbled on calendar.


  "Zane, believe me, we don't want to have to say or do this anymore than you want us to." Johnny laid a hand on my arm. "It's awkward for all of us."

  Fuck. I was getting fired. From my dad's business. My heart hammered against my ribs. What kinda loser got fired from a family business?

  "I know you came to work hungover recently." Dad grabbed a pen and started tapping it on the desk.

  "I screwed up. It won't happen again." Every tap of that pen added to the dread building in my stomach.

  "Except for when you got arrested for being drunk not a week later," Johnny argued.

  "You know about that?"

  "Yeah, we know. Damn it, Zane. Jess is one of the officers who was there when you were arrested. You think she wasn't going to tell us?" The tap of the pen grew faster.

  I hung my head in my hands. How the hell was I going to get out of this? And why the hell did everyone think I was a damn drunk? "It was a mistake. It won't happen again."

  "Damn right it won't. Not if you want to work here. Johnny and I have worked too hard for too long to let you throw it all away with a fifth of whiskey or a six-pack."

  Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

  "I'm going to start going to AA meetings. There's one today..."

  The infernal tapping finally stopped. "Good. I'll go with you."

  "Dad, that's really not necessary." Because if having your dad think you were a drunk wasn't bad enough, how about having him escort you to AA meetings?

  "It is for now. What time is the meeting?"

  "Nine at the Methodist church on High Street."

  "Get on over and check on Terry. I'll swing by and get you, drop you back off after the meeting."


  "It's not up for debate." Dad slammed a hand down on the desk. "I go with you or you find another job. Simple as that."

  Raising my hands in surrender, I stood and backed out of the office. "Got it."

  I'd really got in deep lately. I hadn't thought a few drinks would be so much trouble. But, somehow, I'd lost control of everything. Was I really drinking that much?

  In the time between my arrival on the job site, and Dad picking me up, I kept myself too busy to think. The job had a long way to go before completion, and the double meetings today were putting me behind schedule. With my head down, nose to the grindstone, I busted my ass trying to keep up.

  Dad didn't say much driving out to the church. We pulled up in front and my dad threw the truck in park, but didn't cut the ignition.

  "Wanna hold my hand and walk me in like I'm in kindergarten? That could be fun."

  "Nope." Dad shook his head. "I don't want to be put in this situation. I expected better from you, son. Get on in there, before you are late. I'll be right here when you get back."

  I stepped out of the cab and wandered up the cracking concrete sidewalk. Just inside the door was a folding sign pointing downstairs. I went down the narrow staircase and found myself in a crowded room.

  "Hey, glad you could make it!" Jack came over and punched me on the shoulder.

  "Didn't have much choice."

  Jack raised his eyebrows in question, but we were interrupted before I could explain.

  The leader of the group introduced himself and asked if anyone wanted to share their stories for the newcomers. I was a bit surprised to see Jack stand up.

  "Hey y'all. I'm Jack. And I'm an alcoholic." He pulled his coin from his pocket. "Had this sobriety coin for eight years now. But let me tell you how far I've come. I didn't think I had a problem. Alcohol was something I could quit anytime I chose. Told myself that whenever anyone suggested I had an issue. And I honest to God believed it. Right up until I woke up in a jail cell. I was driving the night before, but instead of driving on the street, I drove into someone's living room. I don't even remember that. But they got pictures as part of the evidence in the case against me.

  "It took me hitting rock bottom to realize I h
ad an issue. I was driving a truck for a living before that. Well, that was gone. My license—gone. I did some jail time because of the severity of the damage. That was eight years ago.

  "If I hadn't been so damn stubborn, then all that could have been avoided. But I thought I was fine. My family hasn't spoken to me since because I embarrassed them so badly." He cleared his throat before continuing, "Newbies, don't let your pride keep you from seeking help. There is no shame in needing assistance. Stay sober, y'all."

  Jack's words struck a chord. Maybe I did have an issue after all. The rest of the meeting passed by with more people sharing their rock bottom stories and me listening and hearing a connection with a lot of them. More than I'd ever imagined, actually.

  I stumbled out of the meeting with a weight on my shoulders that I'd not expected. I'd thought the meeting would prove that I was fine. That I didn't have a problem with alcohol. Yet that's not how it went down.

  Fucking hell, I was a damn drunk.

  My dad didn't even ask when I got back in the truck. Maybe the look on my face screamed "I don't wanna talk about it." Whatever the reason, Dad just dropped me back at the job site without a word.



  The first thing I did after opening my eyes was check for messages from Zane. Nothing. A stab of disappointment shot through my heart.

  I shook it off. He was at work. And he'd told me they were busy. He just hadn't had time to text probably.

  Claire: Hey baby, I know you are probably busy. Just wanted to say I woke up thinking of you. If you have time, I'd love to meet you for lunch?

  I got in the shower instead of waiting for a reply. Whether Zane had time for me or not today, I had apartments to go look at. It was beyond time to find a new place. I had appointments to look at three potential complexes today. Hopefully one of them would make me feel safer than this apartment did. A brief thought ran through my mind though that none would make me feel as safe as Zane’s apartment did. But then, the safety didn’t come from the apartment, but rather the man himself.