Take Your Time: A Garden Falls, TN Romance Read online
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A secret known only to me... Hmm... Well, if I tell, it won't be a secret, will it? In the spirit of the letter though, I'll make an exception. I'm applying to college for the January semester. I haven't even told Talia, my best friend, yet. I have my LPN, but I want to move up to RN. And I want to work in the NICU or maybe L&D. I like my job now, but I want to make more of a difference. So, yeah, that's my current big secret. At least that I am willing to share.
You said I could ask a few questions of my own. So here goes...
Why Zorro, of all the costumes available, why choose that one?
Do you go to Garden often?
You seem to know me, as evidenced by the fact you know where I work. Tell me how do I know you?
Also, answer the questions you asked me, please? Particularly curious to see what secret you are willing to share with me.
Finally satisfied with my reply, I folded the note and put it in an envelope. A single letter I wrote on the front. I put it with my keys before I could second-guess the word choice again. I was positive I could come up with something more flowery and romantic, but that wasn't really my personality and I sure as hell didn't want to look fake.
The next morning, I left a bit early for work so that I'd have plenty of time to drop off the note. In the little courtyard next to the hospital, I found the blue planter with the rope detail at the bottom just like Z had said. After working at the hospital for over a year, I had honestly never paid that much attention to the planters out here. It took some effort, but I tipped it up enough to slide the envelope beneath it. I rose up and went inside, watching from the warmth of the building to look for Z. Glancing at my watch, I saw that I had just enough time to grab a coffee and drank it while I watched to see if he showed up before I had to clock in.
He didn't.
I sighed when I had to head up to the floor and begin my work day. And I even made half a dozen unnecessary treks to that side of the hospital, merely to peer longingly into the courtyard, hoping for even a glimpse of Z. After lunch, I gave myself a mental shake for being pathetic and focused on my patients for the rest of my shift. They deserved more than a lovesick nurse who was too focused on her own life to remember what they needed. I was turning into a Grey's Anatomy intern. And I didn't like that one bit.
The one freaking day I needed to actually take a lunch break the crew wanted to push through and finish the damn project. Ignoring the hunger pains and the rumbling in my gut, I rushed to the hospital so I could get Claire's response before she got off work. I tried to act casual as I walked through the courtyard. There weren't many people around at least. But still, I'd have to come up with a different hiding spot.
Tipping the little planter up, I snatched up the envelope and let the planter fall back into place. I stuffed the envelope in my pocket and hurried back to my truck. As soon as I was settled in the cab, I pulled the note out and slid a finger beneath the flap. Pink stationery fell out into my lap.
Pink stationery was very Claire.
My eyes devoured the note. Every line I traced with a fingertip wishing it were her skin. Her favorite color was pink... That fit. And I already knew that, honestly, after spending as much time with her as I had. Movies and music pretty much what I expected. That was just small talk, easing in to whatever this might lead to. I really wanted to know her secrets, what put the shadows in her eyes, why she hid herself from the people who cared about her.
I'd seen how much she loved when it came to Talia. I could see how much she craved a family. And I'd heard some of her past, tidbits of info I'd gleaned from random comments and seemingly innocent conversation.
The details were still a bit fuzzy though.
But now I needed to figure out how to answer her questions without giving too much away. I needed to give her time to ease into the thought of us together. I wanted to drop some hints as to my identity, but not completely ruin the surprise already.
I pulled out the notepad and thought. Tapping the pen against my lips, I considered my reply.
Pink fits you,
but blue's more my speed.
From Mexican to movies,
we are both agreed.
I'd apologize for the burns on your thigh,
but I would rather not tell a lie.
Again I'd make that soft skin red,
If allowed once more in your bed.
Zorro's mask
fit the task
of hiding my face
in that place.
Going back to school
is very cool.
I'm not the school type.
Working with my hands is what I like.
That doesn't even rhyme.
My poetry is kinda a crime.
My secret...
Well, I have a few.
Of dreams of me and you.
Not so flirty you say?
I want to build a big home on the bay.
Apartment life really is not for me
Oh but the fee.
And though I frequent it alone
Garden is nearly a second home.
In fact, your next note you should leave tacked
on the message board there in the back.
Do I know you? I do.
Though not as well as I would like to.
You know me as well,
but my name I will not tell.
That knowledge I will conceal,
Until your need to know can combat the real.
Rather than leave another note on your car,
the next you will have to ask for at the bar.
From the owner of that lovely pile of bricks,
just don't ask before Wednesday at six.
This will be my last rhyme,
I'm about to lose my fucking mind.
Give me permission to stop, if you'd be so kind.
I folded the little missive and tucked it up in the visor. I swung by Claire's apartment and slipped it through the crack beneath her door. Hopefully she'd see it and it wouldn't just get swept behind the door.
I wouldn't be able to know for sure if she found this note until a note was left at Garden.
If a note was left at Garden.
I slapped an open hand against the white steel door. Claire not finding the note hadn't even crossed my mind. Why hadn't I thought of that?
"Problems, dude? Blondie won't be home for at least another hour, no matter how much you bang on the door," a nasally man's voice said behind me.
I spun around to see a grubby, middle aged man poking his head out of the door across the hall. "Fuck off," I growled.
"I'll tell her you stopped by then," the guy grumbled, flipping me the bird before slamming the door.
Great. Now the neighbor had seen my face. And the fucking Richland Construction logo on my back...
I leaned against the brick and balled up my fists. Slamming one into my jean-clad thigh, I let out a low curse. Maybe I'd get lucky and the guy wouldn't remember me.
If her neighbor told Claire who I was... Remembered the name on my shirt...
The game could be over before it even really started.
Damn it!
I fumbled with my keys, trying not to drop my sub and drink when I unlocked the door. The lock turned with an audible click. I'd just pushed the door open with one foot when my creepy older neighbor, Mr. McPherson—who I liked to call Mr. McPervertson—called out, "You had a visitor."
I spun to face him, silently cursing when some of the icy soda spilled out over the loose lid, over my fingers, and dripped onto my shoe.
"A visitor?" I asked, teeth clenched. Staring at the obnoxious man, I waited for his reply.
"Yeah. Some asshole. Stuck something under your door before he cussed me out and insulted me by giving me a one finger salute." He licked his lips and leered at me. "You need to associate with a better... quality... man."
/> Oh, for God's sake... It took every ounce of self-control I had to avoid the eye roll that comment deserved. "Gotcha. Did you catch a name? Got a description? Anything that might help me identify my mystery visitor?"
"Dark hair, if you like that sort of thing. Beard, which looked like shit, by the way." He ran his hand over his bald head and clean-shaved cheeks. "Some logo on the back of his shirt. Maybe for a little, uh, shall we say, private attention, I could recall the name."
"I don't think so. I'll chance it and hope he left his name on whatever he slid beneath my door. Have a good night." I struggled to keep my cool. Mr. McPervertson had been coming on to me since I moved in here. His flirting, for lack of a better word, gave me the creeps. The ridiculous come-ons were a constant thing with this douche. I was counting down the days until the lease was up.
Turning away, I walked into the living room and put my food on the coffee table. Looking on the floor, I saw a piece of paper against the baseboard. I smoothed the wrinkles the door had left in it and sat down to read.
Another poem.
My heart raced. I did know him...
Who was he?
A soft knock interrupted my thoughts. I rose from the couch to answer the door.
"Talia! Come in, how are you feeling?" My best friend gave me a quick hug before coming inside.
"I'm good. I wanted to see if you wanted to come with me to Garden? Hang out for a bit?" Talia sat and propped her swollen feet up on the coffee table. "How you been? I'm sorry I didn't make it out to the costume party. This pregnancy is kicking my butt." She rubbed her belly with a soft smile on her face.
"I have to be at work early in the morning. I do need to run by Garden though. I..." I trailed off giggling. "Oh, I have to tell you. I have a secret admirer!"
"Okay, so since you totally bailed on me for the Halloween party, I went alone. I mean, that costume was too fine and too expensive to waste, right?" I paused only for a second before continuing, "So... I'm standing there at the bar and this guy dressed as Zorro walks up and asks me to dance. And he's totally hot, so I'm like okay. We dance. And drink. And dance. And kiss—oh my God, can he kiss. And well, the details get a bit fuzzy, but I, uh... brought him home with me."
"That's a one night stand, not a secret admirer." Talia nudged me.
"I know that." I nudged back, but gentler. "When I woke up, he was gone."
"So romantic... Never understood the whole hit it and quit it thing?"
"But he didn't! Well, I guess kinda... but he went and got me flowers. And left me a note that's signed Z for Zorro. And then a poem on my car, and a poem beneath the door." I jumped up and ran to the bedroom to get the other notes.
When I came back, I dropped them in Talia's lap. "See, look. How sweet is that? I have to write my next note and leave it at Garden."
Talia read the notes, with me watching her face the entire time. There was a hint of confusion, then something that I thought might be anger, before Talia's face softened into a smile.
"So, Z, huh? What are you saying back to him?" Talia raised an eyebrow.
"I don't know. Pretty sure I sounded ignorant in my first note." Laying my head on Talia's shoulder, I asked, "Can you help me come up with something?"
"I suppose." Her doubtful tone made me sit up and look at her.
"What's that supposed to mean? You found love in an unconventional way. Who's to say I can't. Something about this guy..." I flipped my hair back. I searched for the words to explain how Z made me feel. How even his note made me feel.
"Okay, I'll help you. But keep it G-rated, alright?" Talia shook her head. "Sean has made me more willing to try some things, but this is a line I won't cross. And if you all get more X-rated than the whisker burn, I don't want to read them."
"Why not?" I poked Talia's belly. "Baby stole your sex drive?"
"Hush. My sex drive is just fine. I just don't need to hear about yours right now. Unless you want to hear about just how good Sean is with his—"
"Got it!" Laughing, I grabbed the stationery. "So... what do I say to Z?"
"Aren't you going to try to figure out who he is?"
"Pretty sure it's a guy who works at the hospital. He’s an anesthesiologist." After a lot of thought, I could only think of one guy who might be romantic enough to pull this sort of seduction off.
Talia shook her head. "I wouldn't get too attached to that idea, if I were you."
I met her gaze. "Do you know something I don't?"
"Nope. I wasn't even there to see Zorro, remember? Don't know anything about him except he had a scratchy beard." Something about the expression on her face said Talia knew more than she was saying. "So, you wanna go back to school? Why hadn't you said anything?"
"I don't know." I ducked my head shyly. "What if I can't get in? I don't like looking stupid."
"Oh, hush. You never look stupid to me. Well, except for that one time..."
"I've already apologized..." I trailed off.
"I know. I didn't mean to drag up the past. Just write your note. I'm going to Garden in a few and can take it if you want. Save you a trip."
It took a few minutes, but we came up with a reply.
My wonderful Z,
I never expected poetry, so don't feel you have to continue. You hardly need my permission to stop. I noticed you didn't ask any new questions. Has your curiosity about me ended so soon?
I know you... Hmm... Okay, I won't push. I'm sure you have a reason for romancing me this way, rather than asking me out directly. And I have to admit, this is fun. When do I get to find out who you are? Or better yet, when do I get to kiss you again?
I'm getting sleepy, four a.m. comes entirely too soon. Do you work long hours too? Or have more of a regular schedule than I do? Only the excitement of learning more of you keeps my eyes open.
Until Weds at six.
"You don't mind dropping this off for me?" I asked, tucking the paper in the matching envelope.
"Nope. Going there anyway to see my husband." Talia held out her hand. "But I need to go soon. I'm getting a little tired. I want to get to Garden, kiss Sean good night, and go home to my king-sized bed. Get some rest."
Glancing down at my watch, I silently cursed the time. I needed to leave soon. I was already dead on my feet, and a few beers in, but I'd hoped that Claire would reply tonight.
"Last one if you are driving home." Sean slid another beer across the bar. "Who are you watching for? You've hardly taken your eyes off that door since you got here. That cute blonde at the end table keeps looking over here and trying to make eye contact. Have you even noticed her?"
"Who?" I looked at the table in question. The blonde was familiar and not in the right way. "Not interested. Went to high school with her. We hooked up once at a bonfire and it was not an experience I want to repeat."
"That bad, huh?" Sean laughed. "Well, you're certainly looking for someone."
I shook my head. "Don't worry about it."
My brother-in-law raised an eyebrow but dropped the subject. Sean turned back to his bar and went back to work.
As much as I hated to, I had to give up for the night. I'd have to write tomorrow's note not as a reply but as a standalone. I'd be really pushing it to get here and write a new note early enough that I wouldn't get caught. I swallowed down the last of the beer and sighed.
My sister appeared next to me, waving a pink envelope beneath my nose. "Waiting on this?" Talia asked. From the knowing grin on her face, I was busted.
"Does she know?" I rubbed my neck and stared at my sister. My heart raced. Damn neighbor must have given me away. I should have handled that guy then and there.
"That you are Z?" Talia shook her head no. "She just asked me to drop this off since I was coming here anyway. I recognized your handwriting." She sat on the stool next to me.
"How much did she tell you?" I held my breath waiting for a reply.
alia laughed and nudged my shoulder. "Enough. Zane, I won't tell you that you can't go after her, even though we've always kept friends off-limits."
I opened my mouth to speak—
"No, hear me out. I'm not going to interfere. I know how serious you are about her. How you've been interested for a long time. The only thing I'm going to say is be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."
I stared down into the empty glass before speaking. "I know this is a long shot. When I woke up the next morning, with Claire in my arms, I felt sick. You know how long I have waited for a chance with her. The thought that I screwed up by having a few too many drinks... The notes were all I could come up with. I had to try something."
"Honestly, it's pretty creative. And she's into it. She's, like, gushing about how romantic it is. I've never seen her like this. I actually never realized Claire had much of a romantic side. If you could just keep it up, long enough to get her to fall in love with you, before she realizes that you are you, you might really have a shot."
"Really? She likes it?" I wiped a sweaty hand on my jeans. Having Talia know, and on my side, somehow made me more nervous. Having someone else know if this didn't work out made it worse. But now that she knew, maybe she could help me out.
Talia laughed. "Oh yeah, she's really into it. You definitely have her intrigued, although I'm not sure why because your poems are shit."
"I'm a construction worker, not a poet. Best I could do." I chuckled. "You should've seen the reject pile. Pretty sure I killed like three whole trees. Even started recycling because of the guilt over it."