Take Your Time: A Garden Falls, TN Romance Read online
Page 6
When I got outside Garden, I turned the truck on but left it in park. Fishing the envelope from my pocket sent a whiff of the perfume up. Closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply. The honeyed fruit scent filled the cab, wrapping around me like the warmth of an early fall day.
When I finally read the letter, I saw my opportunity to leave the next note without getting Sean involved. Since Claire was at work, I could slip another note under her door.
Grabbing my notepad, I wrote quickly.
I'd love to meet again soon, but I have to go out of town for work.
Probably. I was at least ninety-five percent sure that's what Dad had meant by checking on a supplier. I debated on erasing that and keeping what I said about work to a minimum. Claire had been around my family and our business for years, and even came out to a few job sites with Talia in the past. In the end, I decided to leave it in. This charade couldn't go on forever. And the more clues I dropped in, the better she'd probably take it when the truth did come out. I hoped…
I stick around Garden Falls for my family. We are close. Always have been. I have two younger sisters who used to drive me bat-shit crazy, but I now consider them my friends. My oldest sister is making me an uncle for the first time in a few months and I plan to spoil that baby rotten. In all seriousness, my sister is going to be an awesome mom and she has the most devoted husband. I'm honestly a little jealous of her. Well, not jealous. Envious, maybe.
I work for/with my dad. Gradually, he's letting me take on more responsibility in the family business. I don't see myself ever leaving here... Garden Falls born and bred, right here. I'm like local royalty or some shit like that. Just call me the Prince of G Falls.
I'm just playing.
But damn, a beach sounds nice. Maybe we can go together sometime? You in a skimpy little bikini, me laying on a towel watching you. Yup. I'm so down for that.
And yes, angel, I knew about your time as a stripper. I may have, uh..., attended a few shows in the past. I would never look down on you for your past. I've never been in such a position, so I don't know how I would have handled it. But I sure as hell won't judge you for it. In fact, I wouldn't turn down a private show sometime.
And it sounds to me like you have an awesome best friend. I'm sure she feels the same way about you. My best friend up and moved away. Decided to go off to college three states away. And from what I'm hearing when we do talk, he's never coming back. I guess the small town life just isn't for him. He's loving it all up in the big city.
And as for your neighbor, let me know if he bothers you again. I saw him the other day. Creepy fucker, isn't he? I'll put a stop to him, if you need me to.
I need to go. For now, here's an email address you can contact me at any time. I sometimes can't answer for a while when I'm at work though. -Z-
I hated the first day of switching shifts more than almost anything. Somehow those twelve hours dragged on and on until they felt more like twenty. Exhausted didn't come close to covering just how tired I was. The one and only bright spot in working the overnight shift was that Mr. McPervertson worked days. He wasn't yet home when I left for work and still sleeping when I got home in the mornings.
I pulled into my assigned spot. Car still running, I tried to summon the energy to actually go in to the apartment. Sitting down into the car had made me not want to get back up. Even the thought of standing was painful.
Forcing myself to shut the car off, I got out before I dozed off right there in the parking lot. With my forehead pressed against the cold door, I fumbled with the key. I finally slid the key into the lock and opened the door.
Despite the exhaustion that made even my hair hurt, I perked up a bit at the slip of blue paper at my feet. Somehow knowing Z had thought of me last night made the throbbing in my temples a touch less painful.
I carried the note to the bedroom, stripped down to my panties, and threw on an old t-shirt I'd stolen at Talia's house a few years ago. I snuggled under the covers and read the short note.
Z was going out of town? For how long?
My heart raced. I'd grown accustomed to our little game, the surprise of hearing from him, the smile he put on my face with only a few short sentences.
I released a deep breath I hadn't realized I was holding when I read the email address. Grabbing my phone, I tapped the app for email and fired off a quick note.
You have no idea how much our correspondence means to me. Even now, as I lay in my bed, ready for sleep, you are on my mind. I'll attach a current pic in hopes you will come by and join me?
How long will you be out of town? Please tell me you will have email access at least. The thought of not talking to you anymore... well, I don't like it.
I'm so tired. I hate working overnights. My eyes are trying to close on their own, so I'll say goodbye.
Before I hit send, I snapped a quick selfie and attached it to the email. I waited for confirmation that it sent and then plugged the phone in. With a sigh, I flipped onto my stomach and closed my eyes. The jingle of email notification rang out loud in the quiet of the bedroom.
Z! I rolled over and grabbed the phone, only to be disappointed by a junk email trying to sell a self-improvement course. Damn it!
Bumping the phone down to alarm only, I set it back on the table. Laying my head on my pillow, I stared at the phone, as if willing it to light up. He'd said he couldn't always respond quickly when at work and I had just emailed him minutes ago.
Yet I couldn't stop myself from snatching the phone up when it did light up. A warm, happy feeling spread over me when I saw the email.
TO: Claire
I'd be jealous of the fact you are wearing a man's shirt, but it looks comfy. I used to have one just like it, in fact. No clue what happened to it.
I am a little jealous actually... of your pillow, your sheet, your blankets... because they are in bed with you, and I am not.
And definitely jealous of that shirt for being wrapped around your luscious curves when I can't be.
I'm losing my mind. I'm envying a piece of cotton. See what you do to me, woman?
But why the hell aren't you sleeping!? Close those pretty eyes and know that I won't respond to you until at least mid-afternoon, even if you blow my phone up with a dozen emails.
My work thing won't be too bad. I will only be gone a few days. Don't panic. Just checking out a potential new supplier. No biggie.
Okay, it's a biggie. But only because my dad normally won't let me do this kinda thing alone and he's finally loosening the reins a bit. I love him, but he's a bit... overprotective... overbearing... pick your over.
Get warm and cozy, my sweet angel. Go to sleep, dream amazing dreams—staring yours truly, of course. And I'll talk to you later today. -Z-
I smiled and closed the email without replying. I'd send him a long email once I'd had some sleep and could make my brain remember how to formulate words and proper sentences. But for now, sleep. I pulled the other pillow into my arms and dozed off wishing it was Z.
With an audible groan, I sank into the cab of my truck. This had been like the day that would never end. I popped my phone out of my hip holster and tapped the email icon. I couldn't keep the grin off my face when I saw the email from Claire.
God, how I needed to hear from her today.
SUBJECT: I slept, answer me now??
My darling Z,
I love how protective you are, making sure I got plenty of sleep. But I really did want to talk to you. I will admit it made my day to hear that you won't be gone long and we can keep in touch. I've grown pretty attached to our little messages.
I don't want to work tonight. I hate being switched to nights. They've been having trouble keeping the overnight shift staffed, so they are requiring us to all take a turn
on nights. Bleh... I struggle so much with keeping a normal schedule when everyone I know is on days, including you now. What hours do you work? You've never said what you do, except for that you work with your dad.
As for the shirt... I kinda stole it. It belonged to Talia's older brother. I borrowed it one night and never took it back. But I don't want you to worry. There's never been anything between he and I. Do you know Talia's family?
So that's where my shirt had disappeared to. And did I know Talia's family? I got a good chuckle out of that one. I knew them all. Intimately. From birth.
Her sister is kinda nuts and her brother... Well, he and I just don't see eye to eye. I don't know why he needs to antagonize me so much.
Didn't see eye to eye? Well, that's one way to put it. Claire seemed to find everything I said or did offensive for some reason. She was so uptight. I wanted to get under her skin and figure out just how to make her relax. What had begun as a personal challenge to make her laugh had somehow led to me falling in love with the most uptight person I knew.
When you get back in town, can I see you again? Or talk on the phone? Something more than email?
I read the message a second time before hitting reply.
TO: Claire
SUBJECT: RE: I slept, answer me now??
Hey angel,
I hope you slept well. Did you have a sexy dream featuring a certain dark-haired man? I want to hear all about it if you did. Every detail... Did you dream of my touch? My lips on yours? If you didn't, I will tonight.
Woman, you haunt me. Your voice comes to me in the silence of the night, carrying in on the wind. When I'm in a crowd, I see long, blonde hair and every part of me tightens until I see the wrong face. Even my dreams are filled with you. Not just sex. I don't want you to think that's it for me. I want so much more than that.
Yes, some of the dreams are naughty. Some of them are just like us hanging out on the lake. With friends and family.
Sappy as hell, right?
Night shift sounds like a bitch. I've never worked nights. My job usually starts at daylight and we quit around dark unless we are behind schedule. I've pulled 16 hour days though and those are a motherfucker.
Yeah, I know the Richmonds. I have since I was born.
And yes, before you ask, we have been around each other socially as a result of that. But no, I still won't give you my name. But if you guess, I won't deny it.
How long are you on nights? I'm leaving in the morning to go to Lexington for the week. So, keep emailing me. Please. I'll be there through the weekend. I'll miss you.
I'm going to get some food. I'm freaking starved.
Talk soon, -Z-
I hit send and started up the truck. I swung through the drive thru at Burger Barn and grabbed some burgers which I ate on the way home. Trudging up the three flights to my apartment, I cursed. Why had I thought the third floor was a good choice?
Maybe because it was a place of my own without a roommate who thought having sex on the kitchen counter with a different woman each day was cool?
And the privacy sure was nice. But damn, it had been a long day. And those stairs just zapped the last of my energy. I grabbed a cold beer from the fridge then flopped onto the couch. Damn. The remote was out of reach. Fuck it. I couldn’t stay awake long enough to watch much anyway. I flung an arm over my eyes and yawned.
Chirp. Chirp.
Jerking upright, I grabbed for the phone I'd knocked off in my flailing. Cold liquid poured all over my chest. I jerked the beer-soaked shirt over my head. Damn, I must have fallen asleep. I sat the now empty bottle upright on the table before swiping to unlock my phone.
To: Z
SUBJECT: Wanna meet for 'lunch'?
Hey Z,
Since you are going out of town, how about you come meet me for 'lunch'? I'll get my break between midnight and 1. C'mon, whatdya say???
Seriously, I'd love to see you...
I haven't had any dirty dreams. Maybe you'd better give me another example of what I have to dream about?
I'm on nights for the next month. Bleh... I hate nights.
Hmm... so we have been together WITH the Richmonds? Please tell me that you are NOT Karly's ex-boyfriend, Garrett? If you are Garrett, I can't continue this. I love Karly, but she'd stab a bitch, even over an ex.
Ugh, I'm being paged. Gotta go!
I smirked at the screen. Nice try, babe. Surely, she couldn't think I'd fall for that.
To: Claire
SUBJECT: RE: Wanna meet for 'lunch'?
You know I have to pass.
Trust me when I say you are NOT ready for the reality of me. And fuck no, I am not Garrett. But Garrett's a good guy. Had to be to put up with Karly's bullshit. That girl is a handful. She might not stab you, but she'd stab Garrett for sure. Personally, I think she's an idiot for breaking up with him, but ya know, she didn't ask my opinion.
Aren't you supposed to be working? -Z-
"Where did you get this couch? It's so comfy. Mine feels like you are laying on a sack of potatoes when I try to stretch out on it." I stretched out and sank into the perfectly soft plush cushions. "I may never get up."
"Zane has the same couch but in black. I fell in love with it when I was staying with him."
"Wow. Zane has good taste in furniture. Who'd have guessed?"
Rolling her eyes at the backhanded insult, Talia added, "Sean had barely put any furniture in here, so we went and got this one. Pretty sure we got it at the new furniture store out toward Sandersville, but I'll ask Zane if he remembers for sure when he gets back."
I tried to play it cool, but my words came out with more interest than I'd intended. "Back from where?"
My heart rate ticked up. Zane and Z were out of town at the same time. Weird coincidence?
"Oh, he went to check on a supplier for Dad. I think he said he was going to Lexington. Why the sudden interest in my big brother's whereabouts?" The knowing look on Talia's face was too much to bear.
I grabbed the blanket from the end of the couch and buried my face in it. "No reason. You know I'm not into Zane. He just never goes anywhere, so I wondered where he was." Hadn't Z said something about checking out a supplier? Once again, my mind ran over the possibility of Zane and Z being one and the same. But surely Zane couldn't be that romantic?
"Uh huh."
"Seriously, Talia. I'm seeing someone. Well, sorta."
"How's that going anyways?" Talia tugged on the blanket and I let it slip down away from my face. "No dirty bits though, remember?"
"Why the sudden puritanical nature? I know damn well you are getting some regularly. I've seen the way your husband looks at you. The way you respond to him. Typically, when people are getting laid, they loosen up, not get more uptight. You're weird."
"I am not uptight." Talia shook her head. "Maybe it's just that I don't want to think about you and some random mystery man getting it on. You don't know who he is. He could be related to me, for all I know."
Once again, the niggling thought that Z could be Zane recurred. Talia seemed too hesitant about him. Surely my best friend wouldn't keep that a secret from me, knowing how annoying I found Zane.
No... Talia would have put a stop to it.
I skipped the hints and went with directness. "You know, you could be a good friend and ask your husband who Z is. Then we could put an end to the speculation."
"Nah. I wouldn't want to ruin your fun. This is the happiest I've seen you in a while." Talia tossed a piece of popcorn at me with a smile. "Besides, I like to hear you take guesses. Who do you have your eye on currently?"
"I'm not sure." I sighed. "Well, I did figure out that he doesn't work at the hospital."
"I could have told you that. Oh wait, I did." Talia faked an exasperated huff. "Maybe you will learn to listen to me one day."
I flipped her off. "Well, if you don't know who he is, then you are just guessing like I am. So, hush."
"Nah. But thanks for the suggestion." Talia winced and stood. "Ugh. Be right back. The baby is using my bladder for soccer practice again."
When Talia left the room, I dug my phone out and pulled up my email.
To: Z
Subject: Identity
Hey Z,
So... I am hanging out with Talia today. I told you I would be. Well, she made a comment that got me thinking.
Her brother is out of town too. Sounds like a similar work thing. What are the odds?
I'd worry that you were Zane except that you are so much more romantic than that goof could ever be. Will he ever grow up? I need maturity in my life.
Miss you.
I got an almost instant reply.
To: Claire
Subject: Re: Identity
You know, Zane is actually an alright guy. You probably just need to get to know him a little better.
He's not as bad as you think.
He's pretty loyal. Kinda funny. A hard-worker. And if you know him at all, you know how much his family means to him.
I'm glad you think I am mature though. I'd hate for you to think I was some dumbass jackoff that wasn't worth your time. -Z-
Z defending Zane so strongly made me wonder just how close he was to the Richmond family. Clearly, he was friends with Zane. I tried to think of a diplomatic response, but decided to just go with honesty. Tell him about the Zane I knew.
To: Z
Subject: Re: Re: Identity
The Zane Richmond you know is not the same one I know. He's a jerk, always teasing me and trying to get in my pants. He's a big flirt who doesn't like to take no for an answer. And he just doesn't know when to stop. The big goof really won't quit even though I've repeatedly said, "No thanks."